Betaine Plus HP – Biotics Research

Betaine Plus HP – Biotics Research


How to order

1. Only registered nutritionists such as myself can supply Biotics Research supplements. Your 1st order needs to be placed by phone with the UK’s official distributor, Nutri-Link. Call them on 0333 577 0404 and provide them with my name, Matt Janes, as your registered nutritionist.

2. For subsequent orders, you can order online from their website (link), since they will set up an account for you.

For details about Biotics Research Betaine Plus HP™, scroll down the page.

Call 0333 577 0404


Biotics Research Betaine Plus HP™ – 90 capsules x 700mg Betaine Hydrochloride + 10mg Pepsin.

Taking Betaine Plus HP™ is a means of supplementing hydrochloric acid in the stomach. When you hit forty years old, the amount of hydrochloric acid you produce naturally isn’t sufficient. Production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is very complex and for efficient production, it requires good amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Even if you eat an optimised diet, it’s very difficult to produce sufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid and that impacts the degree to which you can absorb these nutrients, so it’s like a dog chasing its tail. Hydrochloric acid in the form of Betaine HCL HP™ is the opening of the door for proper digestion and the absorption of nutrients.


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